Say Yes
The more you start to say C The only way to grow and develop is by taking on tasks that you aren’t so comfortable with. The more you say ‘yes’ to new missions and opportunities, the more you will feel self-assured in your own role.
Like anything in life; if you have a plan, you will be more prepared and assured. To make sure your confidence levels increase, break down your goals into minor, achievable chucks and set a deadline. Once you have completed those aims, you should feel a sense of achievement and pride. For instance, if you are nervous about public speaking, accept an invitation to speak at an event. Once you’ve done it the first time, you will know what to expect and won’t be so nervous second time round. Conquer the unknown and your self-confidence should rocket.
Role models
By having a encouraging role model in your life will increase your success and confidence. There’s a lot to be learnt from an inspiring leader who’s been in your shoes before. They could offer helpful advice and guidance on a range of issues that might be causing you a concern. Whether it’s your Manager, Director or someone else in your industry, talking to senior team members and asking them questions should increase your confidence moving forward.
List all the things you’re good at
A lot of people are fantastic at thinking about what we’re bad at. What we’re not so good at is our own self-praise. If you’re having a confidence disaster, think of all your achievements to date and the skills you actually possess. The chances are, you’ll feel a little better afterwards. Discuss with your Director or Manager whether there would be a chance to develop your skills further. Having a specialisation is an even better way to build on your confidence and puts you in a better position.
Self-confidence isn’t a one-size-fits-all characteristic. It comes in all different shapes and sizes. What fills one person with fear, might motivate another. Everyone is different in their own way, and that’s what makes the world a fascinating place. If you’re suffering from confidence issues, please remember that everyone else does from time to time. Try and take a step back, revaluate what it is you want from your career and take the essential steps to get there, using our tips to help.