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Staying positive during your job hunt


If you’re unemployed, the job-hunting process can be a long road to take and unfortunately, you’re not going to be offered every role you apply for.

Most people will have experienced some sort of rejection during the job searching procedure, and one of the key things is to remain positive and optimistic. By staying positive, you will write improved job applications, be more energetic in both on the phone and face to face interviews, and generally will increase your chances of success.

What can you do to help? Here are some tips below from the Evolution team to help you with your job-hunting goals.

Change up your cv

It really is the most important thing that you change up your CV. The chances are, if your applications are starting to struggle to get past the initial stage, then your CV might be holding you back a little. Try to Invest time in giving your CV a renovation. One way to update this is the way your CV is worded, think of it as a marketing tool to show why you are the perfect person for the role.

By tailoring your CV to the specification of each role you apply to is also very essential. Giving your CV an overhaul will give you a new feel with your job search, and hopefully harvest better results. You should then see the interview offers come flooding in over a period of time.

Set precise targets

Have some sort of targets and goals during the day, to make yourself more proactive. Instead of telling yourself to ‘apply for jobs between 9am and 2pm’, make it a more direct plan. Take some of your time to find roles you’re honestly interested in and research the companies you really want to work for, then this is when you can customise your CV for each one. Invest your own time to attend networking events, you never know who you might encounter. Make your job hunt like you would a work task; be prepared and keep on track where you have applied to and then follow it up.

Make a list of all your achievements

Try to take a look back and think about what you’ve achieved during your last role and across your own career. Think about past promotions, pay rises and experience in major projects. This will not only give you the confidence boost you need, but it will also explain some important information for applications and interviews. Have a list near you so that you can always refer back to it during the job search.

Make the most of your free time

Whilst life without a job can come with some limitations, it can also be an excellent opportunity. This might be the first time in a while that you’ve had some time to try new things and pursue an interest or new hobby. A work-life balance should always apply even with the situation you’re in, taking up this new effort may also help your mind-set when you come back to the searching and applying.

Why not try looking for different training opportunities which might allow you to learn a new skill or refresh an old one. Taking up a simple night class learning a piece of software, an accounts course, a language, a new skill, the list is endless. It might even help you discover a new passion or career direction and who knows, that new skill might give you the extra edge over another candidate.

Overall try to remember that job searching can be a long-winded process, but it’s the quality, not the quantity of your applications that’s important thing. Hopefully these tips from our team can help you to stay positive during the process.

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